A new guide to teach pedestrian & bicyclist safety in Menlo Park
Published on February 07, 2024
Have you ever wondered what are the most common types of collisions for bicyclists and how to avoid them? Or how to use a bike box or a high-intensity activated crosswalk? Or how to safely walk where there is no sidewalk? The Menlo Park SRTS Program has created the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Handbook that includes a ton of illustrated safety tips.
The Pedestrian & Bicyclist Safety Handbook(PDF, 2MB) reviews the California state laws that specify pedestrian and bicyclist rights and responsibilities and the basics of walking and biking safety, for example how to properly wear a helmet and how to safely cross the street. The handbook goes deeper with examples from local streets in the Menlo Park area and showing different types of infrastructures that make walking and bicycling safer such as separated bike lanes, bike boxes and rectangular rapid flashing beacon. You will also learn in the handbook how to avoid common bicycle-vehicle collisions (for example the high hook or being “doored”), where vehicles may merge into a bike lane and how to safely make a left turn when riding your bicycle.
Parents and Caregivers
Use this guide to discuss walking and biking safety with your child. Make sure they understand what they can do to stay safe in the streets, whether it is to travel to school, go to the park or visit a friend.
Educators and SRTS Champions
Use this guide to provide pedestrian and bicycle safety education in the classroom. All the illustrations will be available whether you would like to include them in your school newsletter, a flier or a pedestrian and bicycle safety presentation. Contact the SRTS Coordinator at saferoutestoschool@menlopark.gov for more information.